Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Pepperoni Pizzeria (Greenwood Avenue)

Christmas eve dinner at Pepperoni Pizzeria, it's definitely a place for gathering with friends and family. Because their Pizza comes in a maximun size of 21 inches and it's wood fire baked pizza. It's cheap and affordable.

I've forgotten which Pizza we've order but bascially we just ordered the "Recommend" pizza that shown in the menu.
This is the 21 inches Pizza! How huge is that haha see the size of the hand compare to the pizza? We ordered 2 XXL pizza and 10 of us merely able to finish it. I prefer thin crust base pizza so i will say bye to pizza hut from now! hahaha
So here's my gap "Bo Ge" i wonder when will the gap closed up. And currently i'm having ulcer due to the feasting over the weekend. ULCER WITH BRACES TOTALLY SUCKS.

Cute pie =D Bear from IKEA.

HoHoHo Merry christmas and a happy new year!

6 Greenwood Avenue
Hillcrest Park

Till Then.x

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